Muhammad Naveed Babur.
Effectiveness of manual physical therapy in para central disc prolapsed.
Isra Med J Jun ;3(3):103-5.

Objective: The objectives of this case study were to assess the effectiveness of manual therapy, stretching of Sciatic nerve to alleviate chronic pain in Para central disc prolapsed and provide quality care to the patient through effective treatment of the Para central Disc prolapsed. Design: Case study Methods: A protocol of 02 weekly-daily 20-minute manual therapy applied with stretching to the sciatic nerve and positional release therapy and application of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for 10 minutes once a week. Results: After the first treatment, the subject was free of any sciatic pain for five days. When pain returned, the patient was able to recognize what triggered the flare-up and shifted his patterns of movement to abate the discomfort. There was a recurrence of pain in the fourth and fifth weeks due to habitual patterns and work-related stress that required manual physical therapy to remedy. From the fifth week on, disc prolapsed (sciatic pain) discomfort was rarely experienced. Conclusion: This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of manual Physical therapy with a positional release therapy to improve chronic sciatic pain due to disc prolapsed. Symptoms by rehabilitation are greatly improved with the addition of a daily stretching program of sciatic nerve and somatic education that improves the patient's awareness of habitual patterns.

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