Sohail Aziz Paracha, Abdul Sahib Khan, Zahid Shah, Khizar Wahab.
Satisfaction of the pre-clinical students regarding current anatomy curriculum and anatomy teachers of KUST Institute Of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Kohat.
Kust Med J Jun ;3(2):45-51.

Objectives: To assess the satisfaction of the pre-clinical students regarding anatomy curriculum for its course contents, time allocation and assessment of internal evaluation process and evaluation of anatomy teachers by students. Material and Methods: This study was conducted from 2008-20I0 on pre-clinical students at the end of their two years anatomy course at KIMS. Students were questioned about anatomy curriculum regarding its course contents, time allocation and assessment of internal evaluation process of students. Study also included independent evaluation of anatomy teachers by Quality Enhancement Cell of Kohat University. Results: Out of 200 students, 184 (92%) responded to questionnaire. The hour’s distribution was declared as ADEQUATE for extremities (55%) and vertebral column/back (52%); TOO SHORT for embryology (51%), head & neck (50%) and TOO LONG for abdomen (74%), pelvis plus perineum (70%), neuroanatomy (68%) and applied anatomy (52%). Internal evaluation system was declared satisfactory by 124 (67.40%) students. Out of seven anatomy teachers evaluated by students, 3 (42.8%) were given an average score of 85.59% and 3 (42.8%) were given an average score of 78.32%. Forty one percent of the students favored for alternative methods instead of cadaveric dissection. Forty percent of the students asked for both horizontal and vertical integration of anatomy with other subjects. Conclusion: Most of the preclinical students were satisfied with the studied course contents, internal evaluation system and teachers performance. The results underline the need for periodical revision of the anatomy curriculum based on feedback from students in order to produce better doctors.

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