Bushra Rauf.
Challenging behaviour: assessing risk factors in people with learning disability.
J Pak Psych Soc Jun ;9(1):05-9.

Challenging behaviour is common amongst people with learning disability and represents one of the greatest challenges to clinicians and service providers. This behaviour can be costly to manage and frequently leads to a significant burden of care, social exclusion, high health and social care costs. The main aim of this article is to highlight the important risk factors that need to be considered by clinicians whilst assessing people with challenging behaviour, to help formulate holistic and robust care plans tailored towards identified needs of an individual. Literature at Psych info, Medline and Cinahl (1980- 2010) is reviewed for risk factors associated with challenging behaviour in people with learning disability. Various risk factors associated with challenging behaviour include male gender, adulthood, living at residential services, severe learning disability, underlying mental health disorders, and physical health problems etc. This article also aims to guide recommendations based on highlighted risk factors, for future planning of services and support by commissioners and service providers for this client group.

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