Arshad Rashid, Suhail Khuroo, Saima Nazir, Showkat Majeed Kakroo.
Isolated cutaneous metastasis to forearm as a presenting feature of colon adenocarcinoma.
J Pak Med Students Jun ;2(4):148-50.

Metastasis to skin and subcutaneous tissues is a rare occurrence in colorectal cancer and represents widespread disease. When skin is involved, it is usually postoperatively and at the site of incision. We present here a case of synchronous cutaneous metastasis to forearm in a patient with adenocarcinoma of colon without metastasis to other viscera. Resection of the metastatic lesion and resection of the primary tumor were performed and the patient underwent chemotherapy. Eventually, the patient developed widespread metastasis and died within 2 years of surgery. This case illustrates that cutaneous metastasis can be the initial presenting feature in colonic adenocarcinoma and can occur even in the absence of visceral metastasis.

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