Sophia Rahman, Rana Khan, Muhammad Mansour.
Cecal dieulafoy's lesion masquerading as polypoidal bleeds: a case report.
J Pak Med Students Jun ;2(3):88-90.

Dieulafoy’s lesion is an unusual cause of recurrent gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, especially in the lower GI tract. This report describes a case of a bleeding Dieulafoy’s lesion of the cecum, in which the diagnosis was made by complete colonoscopy. In spite of encountering the most likely cause of lower GI bleed during colonoscopy, it was due to a resolve to do complete colonoscopy that the primary cause of the bleed was found. Three hemostatic metallic clips controlled the bleeding successfully. This case emphasizes a need for an open mind for the possible etiology of lower GI bleeding even when encountering more obvious and more common causative lesions.

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