Syed Muhammed Mubeen, Seema Nigahe Mumtaz, Saqib Gul.
Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression among flood affected individuals of Sindh, Pakistan: a cross-sectional survey in camps five months after the flood.
Pak J Med Res Jun ;52(4):111-5.

Background: In 2010, Pakistan experienced the worst floods in its history affecting nearly 1.5 million people. Such events can lead to psychological disturbances among the affected persons. Objectives: To assess post-traumatic stress disorder and depression among the affected population after floods in Sindh province. Study type, settings and duration: Cross-sectional study done in 3 relief camps set-up around Karachi during December 2010. Subjects and Methods: A total of 422 adult individuals irrespective of age and gender were studied screening questionnaire for disaster mental health (SQD) was administered for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. A single adult individual from each family was asked to respond to the questionnaire. All ethical issues were taken into consideration. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 18 and Excel 2007 software for frequencies and cross tabulation between categorical variables. Results: Out of 422 individuals, 249(59%) had post-traumatic stress disorder. Depression was significant in 54.4% adults. Cross tabulation indicated that post-traumatic stress disorder and depression was more in females, illiterates and those living in joint family system. Increased use of addictive substance was found in individuals during their stay in the relief camps. Conclusion: Post-traumatic stress disorder and depression was found in victims who were living in camp following floods.

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