Sadia Nasim, Muhammad Ayaz Mustufa, Syed Ijaz Hussain Zaidi, Muhammad Tanweer Khan, Abdul Wajid.
Liquid antacids: a comparative study on palatability and cost effectiveness.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;28(2):183-6.

Objective: To compare the palatability, acid consuming capacity and cost effectiveness of different brands of liquid antacids available in Karachi. Methodology: Fifty healthy volunteers between the age of 20 to 59 years were recruited in the study. A total of seven antacid brands available in market were physically and chemically tested. The trial design was that of randomized, double blind and cross over study type. All fifty volunteers were individually asked to taste different brands of respectively classified antacids. All antacids were given during a period of 2-hour. Scoring/rating was conducted on the basis of aroma, taste, consistency and after taste using a scheme similar to wine tasting point scale methodology. Acid consuming capacity of antacid were determined according to British Pharmacopeias 2007. Result: A total of 50 volunteers participated in the study after giving informed written consent. The taste rating scores deduced were independent of age and gender. Among all the antacids suspension B (Sodium Bicarbonate and Sodium Alginate) showed maximum palatability; however the overall palatability of the antacids was poor. Antacid containing sodium bicarbonate and sodium alginate was found least palatable. More over the extra strength antacid version showed highest acid consuming capacity entailing small dosage but shows reduced palatability. Conclusion: Antacid brand-B reveals lowest cost effectiveness and least palatability. While, based on the findings of this study G suspension can be one of the suitable antacid for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders since it showed highest palatability scores and cost effectiveness.

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