Muhammad Arshad Javid, Muhammad Afzal Khan, Mustansar Mahmood Warrich.
Assessment of clinical symptoms of periventricular lesions in multiple sclerosis.
Rawal Med J Jun ;37(4):395-8.

Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the clinical symptoms in the patients of multiple sclerosis which are exhibited by periventricular lesions using magnetic resonance imaging. Methods: Sixty- four patients of multiple sclerosis were studied on the basis of revised McDonald criteria 2010.Data of MS patients was obtained during the period 2002 to 2012.The MRI of patients was performed employing T2-W and FLAIR techniques at 1.5 Tesla. Results: Out of 64 patients, there were 39 (61%) female and 25 (39%) male with ratio of 1.56:1 respectively. Mean age of patients at onset of MS was remained 36 years with range (6-52 years). The periventricular lesions were observed 84.61% in MS patients. Lesions in other area of brain were 3.9% in basal ganglia, 3.2 % in cerebellum, 2.6% in BS, 1.9% in cerebellar peduncle, 1.4 % in MB, 1.8 % in centrum semiovale, 1.1 % in pons and 21 % in CC. Thirteen types of clinical symptoms out of fifty symptoms were found more common in MS patients. The most common presentation was numbness of hands or feet with 21.87% and the motor system involvement was observed with 21.87 % in MS patients. The fatigue was second highest presentation with 10.93 % in MS patients. Conclusion: It is concluded that periventricular lesions do not exhibit specific clinical symptoms among MS patients. However, motor symptoms in male and sensory symptoms in female are found more common due to periventricular lesions on MRI in the patients of multiple sclerosis in Pakistan.

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