Rizwan Akbar Bajwa, Farrukh Mehmood, Shamsul Jalil.
Frequency and Etiology of Different Types of Nasal Bones Fracture Reporting at a Tertiary Care Centre, Lahore.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;6(3):703-9.

Objective: To describe different types of nasal bones fracture, to identify associated factors of different types of nasal bone fractures and to describe clinical demographic features of these cases. Study design: Descriptive case series Setting: Department of ENT at Avicenna Medical College/Hospital. Duration of study: The study was completed in one year i.e., from 15.07.2011 to 14.08.2012. Subjects and methods: Hundred cases of fracture nasal bones both males and females up to sixty years of age neither suffering from chronic pathology nor operated judged by history, clinical examination and investigations like x-ray nasal bones, coming to emergency and OPD were registered. Results: Type II fracture was most frequent, observed in 52 patients (52%) followed by Type I fracture in 43 patients (43%) and Type III fracture in 5 patients (5%). The most common etiology was RTA (52%) followed by falls (25%), assaults (12%), occupational injuries (9%) and sports injuries (2%). Conclusion: Type II fracture is most frequent and road traffic accidents is most common cause of fracture nasal bones.

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