Osama Siddique, Ayesha Sundus, Mohammad Faisal Ibrahim.
Effects of papaya leaves on thrombocyte counts in dengue - a case report.
J Pak Med Assoc Jun ;64(3):364-6.

Dengue fever is on the rise in developing nations like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. There is no anti-viral chemotherapy or vaccine for dengue virus and management of the disease is done on supportive measures. The decline in the thrombocyte count leads to dengue haemorrhagic fever accounting for complications and mortality. Oral administration of Carica papaya leaves extract is said to have a positive impact on thrombocyte count. A 23-year-old man was administered a calculated dose for five days. Blood samples were tested for complete blood count before and after the administration of the juice. Thrombocyte count had increased from 28000/micro liter to 138000/micro liter at the end of five days. We present our experience here.

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