Hassan Mansoor, Tayyab Afghani, Furqan Ahmad Khan.
Choroidal melanoma in a young patient - A case report and mini review of literature.
Al-Shifa J Ophthalmol Jun ;8(2):90-5.

Background: Choroidal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignant neoplasm in adults1. However, there are various benign and malignant lesions that mimic ophthalmoscopic features of choroidal melanoma2. Moreover, atypical presentation and unusual age distribution of choroidal melanoma in some cases make the diagnostic elucidation even more difficult and in such cases, supplementary tests especially ultrasonographic methods gain prime importance. Case Description: The authors report a case of primary choroidal melanoma in a 27 years old young male patient who presented to department of Orbit and Oculoplastic at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan in 2013 being the first case to be reported at this age at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan in more than fifteen years. Keeping in view the uncommon age distribution, supplementary tests and the clinical follow-up was essential for the correct diagnosis of the lesion. Conclusion: The present case report draws attention to the fact that age can be a misleading factor and choroidal melanomas should not be over looked in young individuals

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