Reshad A Khan, Tauqir Chaudary, Syed M Awais.
Result of location of tibial tunnel on knee extension in 30 arthroscopically reconstructed anterior cruciate ligaments.
J Pak Orthop Assoc Jun ;24(2):98-102.

Objective: To look at the affect of anterior tibial tunnel in saggital plane on range of knee extension. Type of Study: Descriptive Case Series Place and Duration of Study: Department of Orthopedics Mayo Hospital Lahore from2010-2011 Material and Methods: 30 knees with ruptured anterior cruciate ligament underwent arthroscopic reconstruction during the years 2010 and part of 2011.Average age was 26 (range 21-33 years), average follow up was 9 months(range 2-36 months) and all patients were males.Autologous bone-patellar tendon-bone graft was used in all cases and Odensten and Guiltquist method was used to determine the saggital location of tibial tunnel. Results: 18(60%) knees had tibial tunnel in anterior 25% of the antero-posterior (AP) diameter of tibial plateaue (group I) and in12 (40%) it was more than 25% of the AP plateaue diameter (group II).3 knees had extension deficit, 2(11%) belonging to group I and 1(8%) belonging to group II.The difference in the number of knees showing extension deficit due to anterior or posterior location of the tibial tunnel was not statistically significant with p value of 0.804. Conclusion: According to our analysis , anterior or posterior location of tibial tunnel did not have significant bearing on lack of knee extension in arthroscopically reconstructed anterior cruciate ligaments.

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