Maryam Waheed.
Tuberculosis in children attending outpatient clinic and compliance to treatment.
Pak J Med Res Jun ;53(4):79-83.

Background: Tuberculosis is a chronic contagious disease whose compliance to treatment is low especially in children. Objectives: To diagnose tuberculosis in children using modified Pakistan Pediatric Association Scoring System and to determine their compliance to treatment. Study type, settings and duration: Descriptive study carried out in out-patient clinic of Pediatric Special Unit, Services Hospital/ Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore from 1st December, 2004 till 30th June, 2006. Patients and Methods: All newly diagnosed children (3 months to 15 years) attending the Pediatric special outpatient clinic were scored according to Pakistan Pediatric Association Scoring Chart and those having a score of >7 or 5-6 with suggestive investigations were diagnosed to have tuberculosis. Diagnostic BCG (instead of Mauntoux Test) of more than 10mm was taken as positive. The family members were also screened for tuberculosis. Most children were treated with 3 drugs (Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide) for initial 2-3 months followed by 2 drugs (Isoniazid and Rifampicin) for next 4 to 9 months. They were followed at 15 days intervals and all visits were recorded. Results: Out of 2645 children, 116(4.3%) had tuberculosis. Their mean age was 8.2 years (3.96) with 59 boys and 57 girls. Majority (n=110) had pulmonary tuberculosis and most responded well to 3 drugs initially (H,R,Z). Follow up was available in 103, out of whom 79(76.7%) completed 6 months treatment. Regular follow up was seen in 64(62.1%) patients. Conclusion: Though early detection for tuberculosis in children and family was done but their compliance to treatment was lower than the millennium goals (85%).

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