Almas Memon, Ambreen Amna, Farkhanda Nadeem.
Reliability of biparietal diameter (bpd) measurement for assessment of gestational age: at tertiary care hospital.
Isra Med J Jun ;6(1):22-4.

OBJECTIVES: To find out correlation between biparietal diameter and gestational age and its correspondence with LMP (Last Menstrual Period) and to determine the ultrasonographic criteria of BPD (Biparietal Diameter) measurement at different gestational ages of normal singleton pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: A descriptive study. PLACE AND DURATION: The study was conducted at Radiological department of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences and Isra University Hospital Hyderabad from July 2005 to December 2005. METHODOLOGY: Pregnant women (n=100) with different gravidity and gestational age, carrying singleton fetus were examined by transabdominal scan using standard Curvilinear probes 3.5 M. Biparietal diameters at different gestational age were recorded and its accuracy was assessed. RESULTS: Out of 100 women 76% correspond with LMP and gestational age by measuring BPD in second trimester as compare to third trimester where only 62 % corresponded. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded from the study that there is good correlation of BPD measurement by ultrasonography and gestational age. It is a reliable tool especially in those women where LMP is not known or doubtful, for assessing gestational age especially during earlier 2nd trimester of pregnancy than during late 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

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