Aisha Taj, Salma Batool Naqvi, Tahira Yasmeen.
Analysis of morbidities associated with total abdominal hystrectomies for benign conditions.
Pak J Surg Jun ;30(2):159-62.

Objective: To assess the frequency of intraoperative and postoperative complications aft er total abdominal hysterectomies performed for benign conditions. Study design: Cross section study. Sett ing and duration: Th is study was conducted in the department of Obstetrics and gynecology of Liaquat national hospital from January 2011 to January 2012. Methodology: We reviewed the records of women who underwent hysterectomies for benign gynecological conditions. Case notes were reviewed for the indication of hysterectomy, intraoperative and post-operative morbidities during hospital stay and two weeks aft er discharge were noted. Results: Total numbers of hysterectomies were 192. Major indications for hysterectomies were dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) (62.5%) and fi broid uterus, (25.5%) followed by endometriosis (3.6%). Complications developed in 27.1% of cases. Th e frequency of complications was associated with the indication of hysterectomy. It was found that the frequency of complications was high with endometriosis. Th e commonest intraoperative complication was hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion, 15/192 (7.8%) and the most frequent postoperative complication was wound infection 16/192 (8.3%). Only one patient required emergency laparotomy due to large bowel injury. Th ere was no mortality occurred during the study period. Conclusion: Intraoperative and postoperative complications aft er hysterectomy are not rare events. High risk population must be identified and every patient must be considered individually to determine whether the proposed operation is appropriate and anticipated operation benefits the complications. Th e surgery done for the right indication and performed carefully has the potential for relieving the suffering of women.

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