Savas Yuruker, Murat Derebey, Kagan Karabulut, Ismail Alper Tarim, Ilhan Karabicak, Necati Ozen, Selim Nural.
Portomesenteric venous gas does not always mean intestinal necrosis: report of a case.
J Pak Med Assoc Jun ;65(9):1014-5.

Portomesenteric venous gas is a rare condition most commonly caused by mesenteric ischaemia. Mesenteric ischemia, can be life-threatining and requires immediate surgical intervention with a poor prognosis. During the laparotomy, intestinal necrosis and perforation are most common findings although some patients reveal no surgical pathology. In this report we present a case of portomesenteric venous gas which is secondary to acute intramural intestinal haematoma.

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