Akhtar Bibi, Uzma Masroor, Sana Dastagir, Samia Bibi.
Relationship between Quality of Life and Depression among Diabetic Patients of Rawalpindi / Islamabad Pakistan.
Int J Rehab Sci Jun ;02(02):10-6.

Objective: To explore the relationship of Quality of Life and depression in diabetic patients. It also aimed to reconnoiter the differential significance of the two variables concerning gender. Methodology: The present study was a cross sectional study. The data was collected from different hospitals in Rawalpindi and Islamabad during October 2012 and August 2013. There were 200 participants including 100 diabetic patients (50 male and 50 female) whilst for a comparative assessment a group of 100 healthy individuals were also selected to meet the purposes of the study. Subject age range was set between 26-65 years. The study sample comprised of type I and type II diabetic patients while inclusion criteria for duration of diagnosis was set to 2-15 years. The sample was selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique. Quality of Life Scale (QOL) by (Frisch, 1994) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) developed by Aeron Beck in 1967 were used. The data was interpreted through SPSS 16. Results: The study findings showed a significant but negative correlation between Quality of Life and Depression scores. Good Quality of Life was negatively correlated in comparison to the Depression in diabetic patients (r=-0.409**, p<.01) .It was also discovered that there are significant differences present in depression and quality of life scores of diabetic people and healthy individuals. It was also further identified that there was no difference in intensity of depressive symptoms (M=22.06, M=18.94) and Quality of life (QOL) (M=81.21, M= 81.87) with respects to gender. Conclusion: Higher depression scores in BDI scores and lower scores of Quality of Life scores were seen in majority of the diabetic patients during the study.

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