Syed Ashfaq Ali Shah, Shad Mohammad.
Central Retinal vein Occlusion.
Pak J Ophthalmol Jun ;13(1):8-12.

Forty consecutive cases of central retinal vein occlusion (CRV0) who presented to the Eye OPD, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar, were studied. Their ages ranged between 25 and 90 years, with an average age of 52.6 years. There were 26 (65%) males and 14 (35%) females. Right eye was affected in 28 (70%) patients and left eye in 12 (30%) patients. Twelve patients presented within a week of the beginning of episode, 9 patients within a month, 13 within 6 months and 3 within a year. 3 patients were diagnosed on routine ophthalmic examination. At the time of presentation, 2 patients had 6/12 vision, 3 had 6/18, 2 had 6/24, 4 had 6/36, 9 had 6/60, 15 had CF, 4 had PL and one patient had no perception of light. Among these 40 patients, 6 were suffering from openangle glaucoma, while one patient had CRVO in the contralateral eye. Six patients were suffering from diabetes mellitus, 14 from hypertension and 12 patients were suffering from ischaemic heart disease. Four patients had high serum cholesterol, while 13 patients had high serum triglycerides. Ischaemic type of CRVO was seen in 10 (25%) patients, non-ischaemic type of CRVO in 27 (67.5%) patients, while 3 (7.5%) patients were of undetermined type.

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