Asif Hussain Munir, Siama Qayyum, Amina Gul, Zahid Ashraf.
Bone marrow aspiration findings in a tertiary care hospital of Peshawar.
J Postgrad Med Inst Jun ;29(4):297-300.

Objective: To study the frequency of hematological and non-hematological disorders found on bone marrow examination in a tertiary care hospital of Peshawar. Methodology: This cross sectional descriptive study was conducted at the pathology department of Khyber Medical College and Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar from Jan to Dec 2013. A total of 157 patients were included in this study. Bone marrow aspiration was done, stained and examined. Results: Out of 157 patients, 30 patients (19.1%) had leukemia, 26 (16.6%) had megaloblastic anemia, ITP was present in 26 patients (16.6%), 18 patients (11.5%) showed normal bone marrow, 17 patients (10.8%) had evidence of hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia was present in 9 patients (5.7%), iron deficiency anemia was seen in 9 patients (5.7%), anemia of chronic disorder was present in 08 patients (5.1%), hypersplenism was present in 05 patients (3.2%), metastatic lesions, PNH and visceral leishmaniasis was present in 2 patients (1.3%) each. Malaria, myelofibrosis and evidence of hemoglobinopathies was found in 01 patient( 0.6%) each. Conclusion: Anemia was the commonest disorder amongst non-malignant disorders and leukemia was the commonest malignant disorder.

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