Muhammad Tariq, Azmat Ali.
Presentation of myasthenia gravis.
J Pak Inst Med Sci Jun ;6(1,2):322-5.

100 cases of myasthenia gravis managed at PIMS between 1991 and 1994 were analyzed. 61 were female and 39 males. Ptosis and diplopia was the most common presenting symptom. Tensilon test and EMG were positive in 88% and 92% cases respectively. 12 cases had only occular myasthenia. Plasmapheresis was performed in myasthenic crisis and before thymectomy. 42 cases were operated. 82% cases showed significant improvement. 8 patients died two after thymectomy and 6 at home. Symptomatic improvement and EMG were used as guide to improvement. This study stresses the similarities and dissimilarities of our patients from other reported series.

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