Raja Mustafa Hyder.
Management of anterior cross bites involving one or two teeth of non skeletal origin.
J Pak Inst Med Sci Jun ;7(1):441-3.

Two cases of anterior cross bites are presented here which were treated at KRL Hospital`s Orthodontic Clinic rising a combination of both fixed and removable orthodontic appliances and non-extraction protocol

Case Report: Patient X was a 14 year old female with a orthognathic, mesofacial and symmetric profile. Orofacial musculature was within normal limits. All the permanent dentition was present except the third molars. The patient presented with an anterior cross bite involving both the upper lateral incisors which were locked in palatally and a Angle class 1 occlusion with 02 mm overjet and 10% overbite. The lower mid line was also deviated towards the right side by 1.5 mm. Cephalometrically the case was normodivergent with a class 1 skeletal pattern. Patient Y was a 32 year old female with a orthognathic, mesofacial and symmmetric profile. Orofacial musculature was within normal limits. All permanent teeth were present except the upper third molars and the right upper first premolar. The patient presented with an anterior cross bite involving the upper right canine and upper right lateral incisor which were locked in palatally. The patient had a mutilated Angle class I occlusion with 2.5 mm overjet and 20% overbite.The upper midline was off to the right side by 02mm. Cephalomerically the case was normodivergent with a class 1 skeletal pattern.

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