Bushra Zulfiqar, Razia Iftikhar.
Oral Nifedipine Versus Intravenous Salbutamol In Preterm Labour.
Isra Med J Jun ;8(1):3-6.

OBJECTIVE: To compare the response of Nifedipine and Salbutamol in inhibiting the uterine contraction in preterm labor in respect of their duration and side effects STUDY DESIGN: A Comparative study PLACE AND DURATION: The study was conducted at Al Tibri Medical College & Hospital, Isra University Karachi Campus and in Private practice from 1st June 2013 till 30th May 2014. METHODOLOGY: Pregnant women having preterm labor pain admitted through Consultant OPD were included and divided into 2 groups of 30 each, Group A was treated with Oral Nifedipine and Group B was treated with intravenous Salbutamol. The Sample technique was convenience (Non - Probability). The patients included in study were of gestational age 32-36 weeks. Singleton pregnancy cervical dilation < 3 cm. Patient with any medical disorder, gestational age > 36 weeks, cervical dilation > 3 cm, those with multiple gestation were excluded. Consent was taken from the patients and the method was explained in detail before providing them any medicine. RESULT: The average gestational age of the patients was found 33.14 + 1.02 weeks. There was no significant difference between the success rate on Nifedipine and Salbutamol to inhibit the uterine contraction. The frequency of the side effects faced by women was significantly lower in Nifedipine than Salbutamol. CONCLUSION: The data supported that Nifedipine has a little advantage over Salbutamol especially in their side effects, Nifedipine is a safer drug. It was also found that there was no significant relation with age, parity, gestational age with two drugs.

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