Zahra Javed, Sardar Fakhar Imam, Neelam Imam, Kanwal Saba, Mulazim Hussain Bukhari.
Bone mineral density and diet of teachers of College of Home Economics at Lahore..
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;31(4):970-4.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and diet of teachers of a Govt. College of Home Economics in Lahore. METHODS: It was survey research. Purposive sampling technique was adopted for the selection of 50 teachers from Govt. College of Home Economics of age group 30 - 60 years. RESULTS: About 46% of the subjects had BMD ratio in between -2.58 to -4.0 (Osteoporotic category). The root cause of low BMD ratio was not really age related but in majority of the sample it was due to sedentary life style and lack of awareness about the importance of exercise in relation to bone health. CONCLUSION: The total mineral and vitamin intake required for bone health (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus & vitamin D) was below the recommended, among majority of the sample.

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