Ahmed Shoaib, Syed Zawar Shah, Riaz Ahmad, Asma Mansoor.
Comparison of Anxiety, Depression and Mood Disturbances Among Fertile and Infertile Women.
Ann Pak Inst Med Sci Jun ;12(4):230-4.

Objective: This study aimed to compare Anxiety, Depression and Mood Disturbances in fertile and infertile Women. Design: The study included 68 (34 infertile and 34 fertile women) from various hospitals of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Place and duration of study: Data was collected from various Hospitals of Rawalpindi from Jan to July 2015 with duration of six months. Methodology: A comparative study was carried out in the premise of Rawalpindi by using two separate scales to collect the data. The Profile of Mood Scale (POMS) (by Curran & Shelly) used to investigate the mood disturbance among both the groups while the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) (by Zigmond & Snaith) were used to assess the level of anxiety and depression. Results: The results indicated that level of Anxiety, Depression and Mood disturbance were higher in infertile women as compared to fertile women and there is positive relationship among anxiety, depression and mood disturbance. Conclusion: Infertile women are vulnerable group having high prevalence of anxiety, depression and mood disturbances.

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