Kauser Ismail, Moosa Khan, Qurrat-ul Ain Bukhari.
Anti-diarrheal effects of Methanol extract of Curcuma Longa.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jun ;7(3):174-8.

Objective: To evaluate the anti-diarrheal effect of Methanol extract of Curcuma Longa, and to compare it with Loperamide in albino rats. Methodology: This experimental animal study was performed in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Basic Medical Sciences Institute (BMSI), Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC), Karachi, in collaboration with BMSI Animal house, from May 2013 to December 2014. Dried rhizomes of Curcuma longa were purchased from local market of Karachi and soaked in 100% methanol, which was later evaporated to yield a semisolid extract. Seventy-two albino rats were used, which were randomly assigned into 3 groups of 24 rats. Each group was further divided into 4 subgroups. In each group, one subgroup was control, one was standard (loperamide group) and two subgroups were given 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg of methanol extract of Curcuma Longa orally. Anti-diarrheal effect was assessed by counting total number of feces after castor oil-induced diarrhea, castor oil-induced enteropooling and gastrointestinal motility test. Results: The methanol extract of Curcuma Longa showed significant anti-diarrheal activity evidenced by the reduction in defecation, decreased intestinal transit of charcoal meal and decreased enteropooling after castor oil-induced diarrhea. Conclusion: Curcuma Longa had potent anti-diarrheal affect and can replace synthetic drugs like loperamide. These effects were related to phytochemicals present in it. Keywords: Curcuma Longa, Enteropooling, Gastrointestinal motility, Phytochemicals

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