Hashmi SMM, Nasir S, Shehbaz L, Anwar MA, Ali A.
Outcome of local anesthesia in pain relief after hemorrhoidectomy.
Biomedica Jun ;32(1):18-20.

Background and Objective: Haemorrhoids is a common clinical problem, sometimes requiring surgery. Along with general and spinal anaesthesia, local anaesthesia can be an option in these patients which can also be used for pain relief after haemorrhiodectomy. The objective of this study was to evaluate post-operative pain relief in patients who had hemorrhoidectomy. Methods: 300 patients who had hemorrhoidectomy were divided equally in to three groups, according to anesthesia type, group 1 (local anesthesia and sedation), while spinal anesthesia was given in group 2 and general anesthesia was used for group 3. Pain relief, post-operative complications, hospital stay time were measured and compared between the three groups. The study was performed between 2012 – 14. Results: The study showed that patients who had local anesthesia infiltration and sedation a significant decrease of post-operative total pain scores at 6/12/18/24 hours of more than 50%, 200/240/300/320 out of 1000 patients in group II as compared to 420/500/540/580, 700/680/660/660 in 3rd groups respectively. The total post-operative analgesia doses in the 3 groups were 120:140:180 respectively, total hospital staying time were 130:210:260 days, headache in the ratio of 0:8:1, urine retention in 0:6:1 patients, nausea and vomiting in 0:1:5 patients were reduced by 30%, P-value < 0.05. On the other hand, spinal anesthesia which is group 2 showed slight decline of patients numbers who had respiratory symptoms, hypotension and urticarial. Conclusion: Post-operative pain, analgesia, total cost, hospital staying time, nausea and vomiting have been significantly reduced by local anesthesia infiltration compared to non-infiltrated groups while spinal anesthesia had a higher rate in post-operative urine retention, headache and hypotension compared to local anesthesia with sedation and general anesthesia. Respiratory symptoms, urticaria, were slightly reduced in local anesthesia with sedation compared to spinal and general anesthesia.

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