Tabasum Jalil, Hira Zaman, Maria Shakoor, Col Mubashir Sharif.
Knowledge and attitude of dental professionals towards cone beam computed tomography - a study done at Afid.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;36(4):661-5.

The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of dental professionals towards cone beam computed tomography. The questionnaire based on 20 questions related to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was distributed among 390 dentists of AFID. The attitude of present day dentists and their knowledge with respect to their education level was assessed using questionnaire. Out of 390 questionnaires, 40 were incompletely filled so they were excluded. Out of 350 dentists, 305 (87.1%) preferred to use digital imaging radiography because it is less time consuming and is of low radiation dose. Out of 340 dentists, 215 (61.4%) heard about CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) from faculty lessons. Most of the dental professionals (44.3%) used CBCT for implant cases. Interestingly, 100% of the dentists are interested in learning this new technology and most of them wanted it to be included in clinical dental education. Out of 340, 48.6% (n=170) of the dentists responded that their faculty does not provide adequate education regarding CBCT. Results of the current research showed that the importance of CBCT in dental practice and different dental education programs regarding digital imaging radiography should be conducted to increase knowledge and practice of dental fraternity so that they will be able to use this technique in an efficient way to improve the accuracy and reliability of their diagnosis, treatment planning and outcomes.

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