Aamir Shahzad, Majid Zia, Talib Hussain, Amnah Sibghat.
Comparison of endodontic sealers in terms of their shear strength.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;36(3):520-3.

The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the shear bond strength of mineral trioxide aggregate and glass ionomer cement by Instron testing machine. It was carried out at Queen Marry and Westfield College, University of London during 2010-2011. Time duration was 6 months. A total of 14 samples of elephant tusk dentine (ivory) were cut and prepared for shear bond strength test. MTA and GIC samples were randomly divided into 2 groups of 7 samples in each group. Then 10 mm of wires were cut, smoothened at one end and roughened at the surface. The endodontic sealers were mixed, applied on the wire and in the canal and then left overnight to set. Then samples with wire on the metal support were placed under Instron testing machine to test for shear bond strength. Shear strength was measured in megapascal (MPa). Student “T” test was done to evaluate the data. It was noted that shear bond strength of MTA GROUP A = 0.30714 MPa (mean value) was less than GIC GROUP B =1.74 MPa (mean value). It was noted that there was poor adhesion of MTA with wire and dentin as well, that`s why the results showed very less values for MTA.

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