Ahmad Hasan.
Change in maxillary and mandibular posterior dentoalveolar heights with variation in lower anterior facial height.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;36(3):413-6.

Balanced facial profile is associated with normal value of lower anterior facial height. Variation in lower anterior facial height can be resulted from abnormal vertical growth of posterior dentoalveolar segments. During orthodontic treatment posterior dentoalveolar segment at fault must be corrected. The objective of this study was to find the change in maxillary and mandibular posterior dentoalveolar heights with variation in lower anterior facial height. The material for this cross-sectional comparative study consisted of 190 lateral cephalometric radiographs of patients with age more than 12 years coming to the orthodontic department of a tertiary care hospital in one year. Patients were divided into 3 groups on the basis of normal, increased or decreased lower anterior facial height. The radiographs were traced manually on the acetate paper to measure the total and lower anterior facial height, maxillary posterior dentoalveolar height and mandibular posterior dentoalveolar height. SPSS was used to calculate mean and standard deviation. The p-value for all the results were < .05 when comparison was made between maxillary posterior dentoalveolar height in increased, normal and decreased lower anterior facial height groups. Similarly statistically significant difference was found when mandibular posterior dentoalveolar height was compared between increased, normal and decreased lower anterior facial height groups. It was concluded from the study that heights of maxillary and mandibular posterior dentoalveolar segments change with the variation in lower anterior facial height.

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