Mohammed Essa Alhumaid, Saqib Naeem, Hanan Mohammad Abdullah Alfahhad, Hasna Salem Rasheed Alshurtan, Fahad Hammad Nassar Albaqawi.
Orthodontic treatment need as perceived by university students using aesthetic component (AC) of index of orthodontic treatment need (IOTN).
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;36(3):408-12.

The aim of the present study was to assess the perception of orthodontic treatment need in University students using Aesthetic Component (AC) of Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). Stratified sampling technique was used to select sample of 223 students of Hail University from Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, Public Health and Preparatory year. For each of the 10 pictures of AC, participants were asked to select, whether the pictures needed orthodontic treatment or not. Results showed that 24.22 % of the total students felt that picture 1 was in need of orthodontic treatment while 86.93 % thought treatment need for picture 4. For picture 5 -10, 100 % of students favored for treatment need. There were statistically significant differences in opinion of dental students as compared to other colleges, with less percentage favoring orthodontic treatment need (p<0.05). More percentage of male students opted for treatment need for AC picture 1 and 4, while more percentage of female students opted for pic 2 and 3 (p<0.05). it is concluded that perception of orthodontic treatment need is affected by educational background of University students (p<0.05).

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