Eman Zafar, Zainab Akbar, Kaleem Niazi, Babar Pasha.
Osteoma of mandibular condyle - a case report.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;36(3):383-6.

Osteoma is a benign often asymptomatic tumor, consisting of mature bone tissue. It is an uncommon lesion in the bones of craniofacial complex. Only 18 cases of Osteoma of the condyle have been reported in the literature to our knowledge. The causes of these lesions are unknown, although Trauma, infection and developmental abnormalities have been suggested as contributing factors. In this paper, we are presenting a case of 60 years old male diagnosed as Osteoma of condyle, which was causing difficulty in mastication. Clinical and radiographical examination were suggestive of Osteoma. The tumor was removed surgically and patient was regularly followed up.

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