Zulfiqar Khan, Mahmood Ahmed.
Pakistan Navy Family Welfare Programme: Introduction and evaluation of a new module.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;52(1):96-100.

Population of Pakistan (Pak) is growing at a very fast rate and has doubled twice since independence. This tends to neutralize the socio-economic gains made in various sectors. Population welfare programme of the country is trying hard to contain the population but has not been able to achieve the desired goals, primarily due to its `voluntary basis` and passive mode of working. The family welfare center of Pak Navy is providing coverage to its dependent population through eight family welfare centers. An indirect assessment of Pak Navy family welfare programme had proved that demographic profile of Pak Navy`s dependent population is better than our national population`s statistics. However, a new module was launched in Jan 2000 to enable our family welfare programme to actively intervene /monitor the population welfare activities of its dependent population. Analysis of last two year record has revealed that this new module has indeed transformed the entire working of Pak Navy family welfare programme and it has become an active and accountable programe. Sitting right in the family welfare center the staff of family welfare programe can monitor, intervene and conduct targeted visits of its dependent population. Data analysis has once again proved that demographic profile of Pak Navy`s dependent population is not only better than national population`s statistics, but has improved over the years.

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