Tabassum Ahsan Qadeer.
Orthodontic Management of Multiple Dilacerations.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;28(3):245-6.

Orthodontic alignment of un-erupted dilacerated teeth is challenging, as the bent roots resist forces applied to move them through the bone. Various treatment options are now available to treat this condition including providing prosthesis after extractions and apicectomies. However, to maintain alveolar bone in the area of the un-erupted tooth, especially if the involved tooth is in the anterior segment, the ideal treatment would be to try and bring the tooth in the arch orthodontically. Treatment requires increased time duration, compliance of the patient, and consistent force mechanics. This case report is of a 9-year boy with un-erupted and dilacerated teeth. Orthodontic treatment of prolonged duration was provided to bring these teeth into the arch, improving the esthetics and function.

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