Parveen Abdullah, Azhar Mubarik, Naila Zahir, Zahur Ur Rehman, Abdus Sattar, Abid Mehmood.
Breast lumps - What they actually represent.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;9(1):46-8.

A total of 187 lumpectomy specimens were received at PNS Shifa, Naval Hospital, Karachi from 1994-1996. The youngest patient was 13 years old and the oldest 85 years, the peak incidence being seen between 21-30 years. One hundred and fifty eight specimens (84.5%) were from female patients and twenty nine from males (15.5%). The commonest pathology encountered was fibroadenoma (25%), followed by fibrocystic disease (22%), carcinoma (18.7%), inflammatory lesions(18%), gynaecomastia (11.2%) and miscellaneous conditions (5.1%).

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