Tehmina Nazir, Fariha Taimur, Badaruddin Athar Naeem.
Visual and Angiographic Outcome of Oral Danshenform Compound (Tricardin) in Cases of Non proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy.
Al-Shifa J Ophthalmol Jun ;12(4):178-82.

Objective: To determine visual and angiographic outcome of oral Danshenform Compound (Tricardin) in patients of non proliferative diabetic retinopathy & observe FFA changes Study design: An Interventional case series. Place of study: Department of Ophthalmology, Fauji Foundation Hospital Rawalpindi. Subjects and Methods: The study included 30 eyes of patients diagnosed as cases of moderate to severe non proliferative diabetic retinopathy meeting the inclusion criteria. Duration of study was 0ne & a half year. Post medicine BCVA , slit lamp examination and fundoscopy was done on each visit. Wilcoxin signed rank test was applied at 5% level significance. P –values of 0.00 was statistically significant Result: There was a marked improvement in post op visual acuity with P- value < 0.000 which is highly significant after the use of Danshenform Compound (Tricardin). FFA showed no changes. Conclusion: Trial of Danshenform Compound resulted in marked improved visual outcome of almost all the patients with moderate to severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy with no angiographic changes.

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