Faryal Suraya, Hailah Othman, Habibullah Chaudhary, Sumaya Alamri, Tameem Ashrry.
Analysis Of Incentives Leading To An Enhanced Interest Of Physicians In Research Work And Practical Aspects.
J Postgrad Med Inst Jun ;31(3):260-6.

Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the latest trends, assessment of main obstacle and incentives to conduct research among physicians. Methodology: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of six months. Four hundred and ninety nine physicians responded to the questionnaire, which included questions about demographic data of participants, their specialty, duration of research experience, achievements, views about barriers and motivational factors for research work. Results: The study revealed more enthusiastic participation by younger physicians, age group 21 to 40 years, 382 (76.55%), although elder participants 117 (23.4%) were also active researchers. The highest response was received from surgery and gynecology departments 61 (12.27%), and most of physicians 398 (79.76%) were interested in conducting research in their relevant fields. Research related financial issues, unavailability of relevant facilities and lack of co-workers’ cooperation were the main barriers but these issues did not bother more than half of the respondents and 85 (17.03%) physicians claimed that the main incentive for them was to enhance their knowledge. Conclusion: Young physicians from all specialties are actively participating in research activities in the presence of promising research environment without the inconvenience of the traditional barriers and are mainly focused on enhancing their knowledge rather than financial or job promotion incentives.

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