Abdul Wahab Mir, Awais Ali Khan, Ammar Anwar Chaudry, Safa Mir, Maria Shahzadi, Naseer Ahmed.
Frequency of Gastric Varices in Patients with Portal Hypertension Based on Endoscopic Findings.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;67(1):67-71.

Objective: to find out the frequency of gastric varices in patients with portal hypertension based on endoscopic findings. Study Design: Descriptive Study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Gastroenterology, Military Hospital, Rawalpindi from Jan to Jun 2011. Material and Methods: All patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected through consecutive sampling. the patients presenting with hematemesis, melena or ascites with portal hypertension on ultrasound abdomen were admitted in the hospital. the patients were first stabilized hemodynamically and then kept empty stomach for at least four hours before endoscopy. the patients were sedated with intravenous midazolam and endoscopic findings obtained were entered on the patient proforma. Results: the overall frequency of gastric varices was 11%, whereas 89% had no gastric varices. Conclusion: a large number of patients with portal hypertension have gastric varices. It is recommended that endoscopy be carried out in all patients with identified portal hypertension.

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