Habib Ullah Shah, Huma Gul, Muhammad Mukhtar Khan, Rashid Khan.
Outcome of second-degree burns in paediatric patients: Efficacy of antibiotic coating dressing.
Pak J Surg Jun ;33(1):64-9.

Objective: To determine the long-term outcome of burns in paediatric age patients for antibiotic coated dressing using a special technique with emphasis on its role in developing countries. Methods: Th is is a retrospective review of prospectively collected data of paediatric age patients treated at Habib Burns Centre, Peshawar, Pakistan between January 2013 and December 2015. Data analysed included patient demographics, burn characteristics (burn type, body surface area, time to presentation and culture positivity of wound surface), treatment methods with dressing and debridement, in terms of total healing time, length of hospital stay, complications and mortality. Results: 1,112 pediatric patients (49.2% males and 50.8% females) with mean age of 10.02 years ±3.37 SD. The mean total body surface area (TBSA) was 18.16% ± 8.59 SD. Mean healing time was 14.41 days ± 5.75 SD. Mean length of stay (LOS) was 8.13 days ± 3.66 SD. Mean time to presentation was 40.13 hours ±43.06 SD. The majority of patients presented during the months of June and July. The overall mortality rate was 2.3% (26). Strong predictors of severe morbidity and mortality were concomitant inhalational injury, body surface area (<0.001). Conclusion: Coating with a mixture of antibiotic and silver ointments followed by covering the wound with antibiotic impregnated mesh dressing gives favourable results in partial thickness burn wounds and due to its cost effectiveness should be utilised in economically developing countries.

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