Waqas Yousuf, Syed Murtaza Raza Kazmi, Sameer Quraeshi, Moiz Khan.
Motivation and future intentions of dental students in Karachi, Pakistan.
Pak J Med Res Jun ;58(1):26-30.

Background: However, it is not enough to simply produce an influx of dentists. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to understand the motivates of young individuals into pursuing career in dentistry to map and explore avenues for dentistry career. Objective: The objective was to assess the motivation of dental students in pursuing dentistry and to investigate the career choices of dental students immediately after graduation. Study type and settings: The Cross sectional study was conducted at different government and private dental colleges in Karachi. Subjects and Methods: All the participants were asked to fill a questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised of three parts; first part consisted of bio-data, the second and the third part consisted of questions related to study motives and future career choices of fresh dental graduates. Results: One hundred and sixty five (165) dental house officers were approached, out of which, eighty five (n=85, 51.55%) participants expressed a preference to pursue post-graduate studies after completion of house job, twenty nine (n=29, 17.6%) chose private practice and nineteen (n=19, 11.5%) wanted to pursue a foreign licensure exam. Conclusion: A significant effort needs to be made to encourage the graduates to pursue this field as a full time opportunity.

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