Maaz Asad, Asaad Javaid Mirza, Ammar Siddiqui, Marwah Berkath, Saadia Saad, Khalid Shafiq.
Periodontal Status of the Residents of a Rural Community in Gadap Town, Karachi, Pakistan.
J Pak Dent Assoc Jun ;25(3):93-7.

BACKGROUND: Periodontal diseases are more prevalent in developing countries than in developed countries. According to a WHO report, despite all good efforts oral health problems still persist among underprivileged communities. Gadap is a rural, under privileged community of Karachi, Pakistan where paucity of oral and general health facilities prevails. This study has been carried out to explore periodontal status in the Gadap - an area of low socioeconomic population and to establish association of age and gender with BPE scores. RESULTS: The sample size was 1253 subjects including 64.9% males and 35.1 % females. There were no significant association between gender and BPE score. Males had higher percentages of code 1 and 2 (Gingivitis) and code 3 and 4 (Periodontitis 10.1%). Females had gingivitis (28.8%) and periodontitis (5%). Results show significance between the age and the BPE scores. Percentage of healthy individuals (code 0) without any pocket formation, bleeding or calculus is 5%. The other prominent finding (code 1 and 2) that is presence of calculus and pockets of less than 3.5mm in 80% of the subjects suggesting gingivitis. Subjects affected with periodontitis are 15%. According to specific age higher cases of gingivitis (48.1%) are reported between 18-30 years and periodontitis (4.62%) are reported between 31-40years. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of periodontal diseases among young population of 18 - 30 years age group is very high. KEYWORDS: Prevalence of Periodontal diseases, Periodontal profiles, Basic periodontal examination.

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