Farrukh Aslam Khalid, Muhammad Amin Yousaf, Moazzam Nazeer Tarar.
Complex Reconstruction of Nose and Upper Lip after Assault..
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;29(8):782-4.

A 21-year male, farmer by profession, was admitted in Plastic Surgery Department via outpatient department, with amputation of nose and upper lip with the knife during resistance against robbery attempt. He was having the blockage of the right side of nostril and difficulty in mouth opening. Upper lip vermilion and mucosal reconstruction with the bilateral facial artery musculo-mucosal (FAMM) flap and moustache reconstruction was done with visor flap. Split thickness skin graft (STSG) was done over the donor site. Division and insetting of visor flap was done after two weeks. After three months, all three nasal layers were reconstructed. The inner lining was reconstructed with the turn down flap, L-strut from rib cartilage, and the outer lining with forehead flap.

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