Hamid Ali, Riaz Hussain Awan, Seema Nayab, Khadim Hussain Awan.
Urinary tract infection; frequency of fungal urinary tract infection among patient with chronic liver disease.
Professional Med J Jun ;26(04):555-8.

Objectives: To determine the frequency of fungal urinary tract infection among patient with chronic liver disease. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Period: Six months study was conducted from 18th March 2016 to 18th September 2016. Setting: Department of Gastroenterology, Liaquat National Hospital Karachi. Patients and Methods: All the patients between 18 years to 60 years of age, either gender and diagnosed case of chronic liver disease of child class A & B for > 1 years duration were enrolled and explored for fungal urinary tract infection while the data was saved and analyzed in SPSS 16 to present the frequencies, percentages and mean ±SD. Results: A total of 236 CLD patients were included in the study of which 70 patients (30%) were male and 165 patients (70%) were female, with mean age of 53.47±5.51.30 years, mean duration of CLD and mean BMI was 3.50±1.50 years and 27.32±1.88 kg/m2 respectively. Most of the patients (85%) were child class C whereas 141 patients (59.7%) had fungal UTI. Conclusion: Fungal urinary tract infection in CLD patients is common as these patients are immunocompromised and has excessive use of antibiotics.

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