Hussain Ahmad Khaqan, Attyia Rashid, Namra Shahid, Hafiz Ateeq-ur Rehman, Raheela Naz.
Retinoblastoma: Our Experience.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;12(4):1439-42.

Aim: To analyze presentation, demographic data and managementoutcomes of retinoblastoma patients presented in last ten years. Method: A total of 306 patients suffering from retinoblastoma were enrolled in this audit. All patient’s data was taken from the record. All patients underwent indirect ophthalmoscopic examination under anesthesia (EUA).B scan, MRI brain plus orbit and baseline investigations including complete blood count , chest X-ray, liver function tests, renal function tests, serum electrolytes and hepatitis B,C screen ing were done in all patients. Stage of disease was assessed using international classification of retinoblastoma from A-E. All patients were managed according to the stage of disease. Results: Total of 493 eyes of 306 patients of retinoblastoma were included in this audit. Of these, female patients were 123 while male patients were 183. 187 patients had bilateral disease while 119 were unilateral. 114 patients were be tween 0-12 months of age, 145 were between 13-24 months of age while 47 were of more than 2 years of age. Of total 493 eyes, 3 eyes were of stage A, 15 of stage B, 25 of stage C, 300 of stage D and 150 were of stage E disease. 235 Patients got systemic chemotherapy. Cryotherapy was done in 356 eyes; intravitreal injections were given in 90 eyes, laser photocoagulation in 200, enucleation in 160 and exenteration in 20 eyes Conclusion: High incidence of enucleation, advanced stage presentation , bilateral disease, and male predominance was found in our ten years audit.

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