Komal Shahid, Aftab Ali Malik, Mehreen Baig, Raheel Younas, Shahid Mahmood.
Role of Lectures in Medical Colleges, Student\'s Perception.
Ann Pak Inst Med Sci Jun ;15(3):131-4.

Objective: To assess the interest of medical students in lectures.Methodology: This prospective study was conducted in four different medical colleges of Pakistan from 1st January till 30th March 2015. Total of 600 students were included in this study. Data collection procedure used was questionnaire which contained both open and close ended questions. Written consent was taken from all the participants & permission was taken from the ethical review board of college. SPSS 15 was used to analyze the data.Results: Almost 59% of students in our study consider the lecture as uninteresting tool in medical studies and only 46% consider lecture as essential part of their education during the college timings. Good part of our study is majority of the students managed to reach lecture in time. 77.25% students consider use multimedia helpful during lectures.Conclusion: According to our study, students consider lecture as not very important and uninteresting part of medical education.

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