Farhadia Sadaf, Parveen Naveed, Saima Perveen, Zarina Haider, Seema Ameen, Saima Ali, Neelum Zahir.
Comparison of Outcome of Illegal Versus Therapeutically Induced Abortion.
J Saidu Med Col Jun ;9(2):228-32.

Background: The abortionist is an untrained person performing procedure under septic condition with a sharp stick, hairpin, or knitting needle resulting in the development of life threatening infection, hemorrhage and damage to abdominal and pelvic viscera's, renal shutdowns and DIC. Objectives: To compare outcome (in term of hemorrhage, sepsis, injuries, and miscellaneous) of illegal versus therapeutically induced abortions. Material and Methods: This comparative study was carried out in Gynae th st Unit of Saidu Group of Teaching hospital, Swat, from January 15 2015 to December 31 2017.This study included 68 consecutive cases of Induced abortion, 40 illegal and 28 were therapeutically induced abortions. All patients with history of illegal induced abortion admitted presented to OPD or casualty and therapeutically induced abortion performed in ward were included. Relevant information was recorded on a predesigned questionnaire prepared in accordance to the objectives of the study. Results: Rate of morbidity such as hemorrhage (45%) and sepsis (35%) were significantly higher in illegal than therapeutically induced abortions, other Complication present only in illegal abortion were uterine perforation (7.5%) uterine and Gut perforation (2.5%) and 16% miscellaneous complication such a renal failure, DIC and Jaundice.15% of patients with illegal abortion had prolonged hospital stay, 90% had their complications treated surgically and 10% maternal mortality was observed only in the illegally induced abortion. Conclusion: Significant rate of complications were seen in illegal induced abortions.

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