Syed Shahzad Hussain, Usman Ahmad Kamboh, Muhammad Asif Raza, Muhammad Shahzad, Saman Shahid, Naveed Ashraf.
Prevalence of Post Traumatic Amnesia after Mild Closed Traumatic Brain Injury by Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test.
Pak J Neuro Surg Jun ;23(3):157-62.

Objective: We evaluated the frequency of post traumatic amnesia (PTA) in close mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) via. Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT).Materials & Methods: A total of 115 patients with mild TBI, both male and female, aged between 14 to 60 years and presenting within the first 6 hours were included. Assessment with the GOAT was performed within 6 hours of admission. Post traumatic amnesia was recorded.Results: Patients’ mean age was 39.21 years. Majority of the patients (64.34%) were between 36- 60 years of age. Prevalence of post traumatic amnesia (PTA) in closed mild TBI was found in 27.83% patients, whereas, there was no post traumatic amnesia in 72.17% patients. Mean admission GCS was 14.54 and the mean GOAT score was 83.89 in all patients GCS 14/15. There was more prevalence of PTA in age 36-60 years, in male patients and “time since injury” in >3 hours. Mean GOAT was 68.3 in patients (30.19%) with PTA with GCS 14, whereas, mean GOAT was 74.8 in patients (25.80%) with PTA with GCS 15.Conclusion: 30.19% patients with GCS 14, were positive for PTA (GOAT: 68.3). Overall, 28% patients were positive for PTA. This study concluded that prevalence of post traumatic amnesia in mild TBI is relatively high in our study as compared to other recent reports.

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