Mohib Ullah, Ajmal Yousaf, Mafaza Alam, Fatima Ali, Ali Akhtar Khan, Laila Shah Khan.
Injudicious use of antibiotics in endodontics; a cross sectional study.
Pak Oral Dental J Jun ;40(1):47-50.

Most endodontic infections can be successfully managed by operative procedures like pulp extirpation and root canal treatment or incision & drainage without the need for local or systemic antibiotics. The antibiotics use in dental practice is characterized by empirical prescription based on clinical and bacteriological factors, resulting in antimicrobial resistance development. The current study is designed to scrutinize the practice of antibiotic prescription for various endodontic pathologies and the results showed that 15.4% endodontists and 65.6% of the non-endodontists admitted to prescribing antibiotics for cases of irreversible pulpitis. In cases of symptomatic apical periodontitis 38.5% endodontists and 56.3% non-endodontists prescribed antibiotics. The tendency towards indiscriminate antibiotic use should be discouraged and dentists should be encouraged to control their prescriptions of antibiotics in order to achieve optimum effect, to avoid the formation of resistant strains and to reduce the exposure of patients to potential toxicity and hypersensitivity reactions.

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