Muhammad Imran, Maria Afzal, Fouzia Rani, Ammara Saeed Malik, Noreen Rasheed.
Positive predictive value (ppv) of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in diagnosing neoplastic brain lesions taking histopathology as gold standard.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;13(4):749-50.

Aim : Positive predictive value of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in diagnosis of malignant brain lesions taking histopathology as gold standard. Methodology : A total of 98 subjects with diagnosis of neoplastic brain lesion with 20-70 years of age with either sex were included. Subjects with H/o past brain surgery, claustrophobia and contraindication to MRS were excluded. All the subjects were underwent MRS for choline peak and findings were correlated with histopathology. Results: Out of 98 patients, 61 (62.2%) were males and 37 (37. 8%) were females with male to female ratio of 1.6:1. Magnatic resonance spectroscopy favors the diagnosis of malignant brain diseases in all 98 subjects. On histopathological results, there is malignant brain lesion in 93 i.e. true positive subjects and only 05 subjects i.e. false positive were without malignant lesion on histopathological examination. Positive predictive value (PPV) of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in the diagnosis of malignant brain lesions was 94.9%. Conclusion: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is non-invasive procedure with high positive predictive value in the diagnosis of malignant brain lesions.

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