Ekramy Elmorsy, Yasmeen Mohammed A Alanazi, Asmaa Enad S Alenazy, Seham Mohammed A Alanazi, Nujud Mohammed A Alghasham.
Awareness and knowledge about tropical steroid among population in Arar, Saudi Arabia.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;13(4):1042-5.

Aim To investigate the awareness and attitude among the general population regarding TS in Arar city, Northern Border Province, Saudi Arabia. Methods: Cross sectional questionnaire study was designed and distributed randomly in WhatsApp and Facebook groups in Arar. Results: Four hundred participants [ 252 (63%) females and 148 (37%) males ]have participated in the study with age range from 16-62 years. Among participants 96 persons ( 24%) had reported previous use for TS. Topical steroids were mainly used for dermatological diseases; acne and eczema (among 27.1% and 22.9% of the participants, respectively). Sixty six of participant who reported TS use [66/96 (68.25%)] revealed that their use of TS was following a medical prescription. Awareness questions revealed that, acne was the most known side effect among participants (reported by 74.5% ), while Only 8 participants (2%) have thought that TS may have systemic side effects. The awareness level is significantly affected by their gender, ages, educational levels and professions (p-values 0.0009, 0.0005, < 0.0001, <0.0001, respectively ). Regarding the concept of participants about the safety of TS, 228 (57%) participant reported that TS are unsafe due to the local skin complications and systemic absorption. The remaining believe that TS are safe specially if used under medical supervision. Conclusion: The pattern of use of TC in Arar is generally accepted as they are mostly used after prescription, while most participants were unaware about the risk of systemic effects of TS. Hence, more education programs are recommended about TS side effects .

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