Sikandar Hayat Khan.
Covid-19, an infodemic associated with pandemic: the socioeconomic implications and pressure on healthcare.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;70(2):278-80.

Ever since the human dawn leading to habitation on planet earth we have been haunted by various biological and non-biological threats. Though man-owned disasters and nature’s cala-mities all human have threatening the human existence on this planet with several examples of untold stories depicted by the ruminants of various structures. Diseases have always been one of the nature’s test for mankind since the known history of today’s civilization. The search of ancient literature is replete with examples of diseases like leprosy with outbreaks and epide-mics ravaging the mammalian species from the prehistoric era to Roman, Greek Middle Eastern empires1. We also experienced the “Black Death” stigma linked with plague which undoubtedly emerged as one of the most gruesome and ghas-tly truth of the European Middle ages2. Not far from now the memories of “Spanish Flu” (H1N1 Influenza A) still terrify mankind, which almost affected one third of World’s population and caused more deaths than the First World War itself3. These historical examples, emerging scien-tific data on infectious diseases and fictional movies on such themes create a level of aware-ness among masses, albeit correct in many ways still provide either an incomplete truth or a reaction beyond need.

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